On Optimism And Art
Art, with all its varied and beautiful nuances, enchants us and fills us with happiness. Svetlin Trendafilov, an artist and musician, strongly believes that Art makes us optimists.
An old saying goes that the optimist invented the plane and the pessimist – the parachute.
There are optimists and pessimists in life. Some people want to fly, while others are afraid of the mere thought of flying. Some are ready to change the world and others feel nervous of the things life offers. In the eyes of the optimist the pessimist looks like a mean coward. In the eyes of the pessimist the optimist is an insane adventurer.
But let us imagine for a moment how sad, miserable and boring our life would be if there were no optimists, who challenge nature, science and imagination by making humanity believe in their ideas. If Christopher Columbus had not believed in his idea and had not been an optimist, then he would have never made his discoveries. Optimists are bearers of a spirit of discovery, boldness, curiosity, creative ambitions, innovation, and all that helps them to change the world for the better. In my opinion, they play a leading part in the progress of the human race.
If man wants something from the bottom of his heart and truly believes in its success, then, as a somewhat cliched saying goes, the universe will work in tandem with his aspirations and help him reach his goal and fulfil his dreams. We all can challenge destiny through our thoughts, so, one should think positively and not to let themselves have a morbid outlook on life. The circle of life is always dragging us into all sorts of circumstances. No matter whether our days are bright or dark, we should make an effort to keep the faith and believe in the positive side of life, because all the negative things that bother us will pass some time, sooner or later. Besides, if we focus only on the worries, we will lose the ability to notice and appreciate that which is beautiful and precious. The rainbow is there, you just need to see it…
Some say that between the pessimist and the optimist, the difference is droll. The optimist sees the doughnut, while the pessimist – the hole. Positive people, as a whole, perceive the world in a different way than the others around them. Being an optimist is not only a way of thinking, but a lifestyle. Everything seems easier and funnier when you are an optimist. Optimistic people have a God-given gift that allows them to note and appreciate all the tiny, mundane but beautiful details that life has to offer. All these little details are beautiful, if you can turn your attention to them and savour them a little. And if you can, you become one with the beauty, you become an aesthetic personality, who can see beauty in every little thing. These people tend to love art, because they probe deeply and explore it with passion, enthusiasm and love. Others, may see a piece of art, without actually seeing it. Because to ‘see’ something with a superficial eye, and to be able to see it in all its stupendous beauty, are two absolutely different things…
There is no doubt about the fact that optimistic artists are distinguishable from their somewhat lesser, pessimistic siblings by their use of brighter tones, which lend charm to their canvas, making their work look much more colorful, positive and magnificent. Take for instance, the pop art of Andrew McAtte, which is motley of bright and enchanting colours. Another favourite artist of mine, Will Cotton, represents his positive way of thinking and his love for life by painting female models against a backdrop of huge clouds of cotton candy. Often, the main color of his works is pink or milk- blue. Other subjects of his unusual art are cream cakes, chocolate bars, candies and sweets. All these temptations can make the audience fall in love with his work and envelop them in a mantle of relaxation or trigger happy laughter. Some other followers of this concept of optimism are the maser of the brush, Robert Finale, whose stunning landscapes are unrivalled or the Spanish Master of Modern and surrealistic art, Salvador Dali. Another of my favorites is Bulgarian artist, Miroslav Yotov and his ‘Circus’ series. Yotov’s paintings carry our spirit into another space and time. Optimism can, in fact, be seen in almost every piece of art. It just needs a discerning eye and the positive attitude of an optimist.
I am convinced that most people are natural optimists. My nature is highly optimistic because I myself am a man of art. I am interested in fine arts, dancing, music and I feel a burst of marvelous emotions when I am performing a beautiful dance or painting a picture. Maybe it is the art itself that inspires confidence and makes people more optimistic. It fills us with energy and gives us strength. Art makes our lives more beautiful, more enchanting, more happy, and it also removes boredom and monotony. It is Art that makes me optimistic.